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Monday, 23 January 2012


Homemade Laundry Detergent

Homemade Laundry Detergent

SavvyHomemade Winner

As a single parent, BIG money saving ideas are a must in my life style, so when I found this great homemade laundry detergent recipe I was was intrigued and had to try it.

Eco friendly, suitable for sensitive skin and COSTS A TENTH of any grocery store detergents....
As I was reading, I remember thinking that this can't possibly work as well as store bought detergent, but I tried it anyway.

Well I was wrong, this home made laundry detergent washes as good as, and if not better than most leading brands and it only takes about 15 minutes to make up a large bucket full :-)

Each wash works out at less than 6 cents per load, so you can stop throwing away your hard earned cash, and start feeling good about doing your bit for mother nature too!

A quick note before starting:
The color of your homemade laundry detergent will end up slightly lighter than the soap you use, and don't expect this detergent to soap up when washing because it doesn't ;-)

Washing Soda 1/2 a cup
Borax 1/2 a cup
Bar of Soap 1/3 of a bar
(avoid using heavy perfumed soap, Ivory and Fels-Naptha soap have both worked well for me, although I do make my own soap and often use that) Other good soaps to try are Hardwater Castile and Sunlight.

homemade laundry detergent preparation

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