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welcome to our page.we would like to express our deepest grateful to ALLAH S.W.T for making this blog succeed.we would also like to take this oppurtunity to record our heartfelt of thanks to teacher Zuhailah.So,enjoy this blog!!!

Monday, 23 January 2012


Homemade Laundry Soap

Ive used the following homemade laundry soap for a few years now and Ive never looked back. We live on a farm with a septic tank, so it makes sense for us to use very natural products around the house.

Both the borax and the washing soda (washing crystals) can usually be found in the laundry section of your grocery store, if you're having trouble finding them then look on line. These products can save you hundreds of dollars over the years, considering that borax can also be used to make shampoo, and used as a bathroom cleaner. The washing soda (washing crystals) is great for keeping your drains grease free, cleaning gold and silver and can even remove moss from foot paths. Each wash works out at 7cents, so they are also a good investment.

To make your own laundry soap that's kind to your skin and the environment, simply mix all of these ingredients together and add 1 tablespoon full to each wash or 2 for a heavily soiled wash.

What you will need

2 cups of finely grated Soap, any bar of soap will work ivory, Sunlight, dove etc. But for extra cleaning power chose Fels-Naptha
1 cup of Washing Soda
1 cup of Borax
I hope you like my home made laundry soap recipe!                                                                       


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